Smart Cancer Screening

Smart Cancer Screening Test

Smart Cancer Screening Test

What is Smart Cancer Screening?

It is a quick and comfortable test with your blood that contains a lot of health information.

smart cancer screeninguses a small amount of blood to detect the risk of the eight major cancers (lung cancer, liver cancer, stomach cancer, colon cancer, pancreatic cancer, prostate cancer, breast cancer and ovarian cancer).

Multiple Protein Biomarker AnalysisThe Smart Cancer Screening precisely analyzes a number of protein biomarkers (markers) in the blood using world-class, state-of-the-art equipment such as Roche.

Big Data Statistics AnalysisThe analyzed blood is analyzed by unique big data statistics, which realizes a higher detection rate than the tumor marker blood test which analyzes one biomarker for each cancer.

Now you can safely and easily examine
lung cancer, liver cancer, stomach cancer, colon cancer, pancreatic cancer, prostate cancer, breast cancer and ovarian cancer
with the Smart Cancer Screening.

Jointly Developed with Seoul National University’s TIMRC

  • The paradigm of the medical market is shifting from treatment to prevention, and the maintenance of healthy life through early detection and prevention is more important than ever. As a result, BIOINFRA Clinic wants to help you manage your health before you will have to treat any disease.
  • Smart Cancer Screening, developed jointly with the Seoul National University Tumor Immunology and Medical Research Center (TIMRC) through decades of research, examines cancer risks for the eight major cancers with a small amount of blood, which can pose a threat to health prior to treating the disease. Knowing ahead of time will help you enjoy a healthy and happy life. For your health blueprint, BIOINFRA Clinic promises to provide continuous healthcare services.

Smart Cancer Screening Technology

Systematic Cancer Risk Viewed with Multiple Indicators

Smart Cancer Screening is a test that measures the risk of 8 major cancers through protein biomarkers in blood.

다중지표로 보는 체계적인 암 위험도

There are several types of biomarkers in the blood. Conventional blood tests for cancer test only one
tumor-specific marker associated with each different cancer; however, more factors shall be considered
as various factors are associated with cancer.

Smart Cancer Screening is a comprehensive analysis of protein biomarkers selected by
Dr. Chul-Woo Kim during his research as Professor of pathology at Seoul National University Hospital
for over 30 years, and it provides cancer risks at higher detection rates with added considerations
such as new blood vessel proliferation about cancer cells, immune system, and metabolic flow.

Smart Cancer Screening

New screening technology to protect your health

소량의 혈액으로 간편하게!
Easy with a small amount of blood!
방사능 노출 없이 안전하게!
Safely without exposure to radiation!
내시경 거부감 없이 편안하게!
Comfort without endoscopy!
식이요법, 장세척 없이 빠르게!
Quick without fasting and Bowl Emptying!
조기 암 크리닉으로 건강하게!
Stay healthy with early cancer clinic!
높은 검출률로 확실하게!
Reliable with high detection rate!

Smart Cancer Screening at a Glance

Advantages of Smart Cancer Screening

아이파인더 스마트 암검사

smart cancer screening

A small amount of blood can be tested for eight different cancers (lung cancer, liver cancer, stomach cancer, colon cancer, pancreatic cancer,
prostate cancer, breast cancer and ovarian cancer)

Safe and easy screening without radiation exposure and endoscopy

Healthy people can manage their health to reduce risk

종양 표지자 혈액 검사 (일반혈액검사)

Tumor marker blood test (general blood test)

It is a safe and simple test with blood only, but detection rate is lower than multi-marker test with many markers.

Genetic analysis blood test

Difficulty in identifying biofunctional characteristics with tests to analyze heredity for cancer

CT, MRI, PET-CT (영상검사)

CT, MRI, PET-CT (imaging test)

Method of visually inspecting an image generated by transmitting radiation through a body with an imaging device. Up to 11 years of daily exposure
to radiation at a time. Maybe more effective to use when precise examination is necessary because of possible side effects * Source: Research team, Professor of Family Medicine, Seoul Medical Center

내시경 (위, 대장 등)

Endoscope (stomach, large intestine, etc.)

Visual inspection by inserting the camera into the digestive system. Biopsy may be performed if there is any abnormality during the examination

Endoscopic insertion can strain the body, and early cancer can be missed by the examiner.
